Gallery Gold Pty Ltd

Gallery Gold (Australia) was transitioning from only an exploration company to a gold producing operator. The first venture was the Mupane Gold reserve in Botswana Africa. The WPI Team was brought in to help get the project up and running.

Botswana has a population of 2 million, and its largest city is only 200,000. The site location was extremely remote, even by Botswana standards. This resulted in significant recruiting challenges, and required tremendous effort training the new workforce.

The WPI Team spent 5 months on location assisting staff recruiting and training, ERP implementation, and financial reporting design. WPI also lead the Finance function through the first gold pour.

Gallery Gold successfully made the transition from exploration company to a gold producing operator. Less than 2 years after the first gold pour, IMAGOLD acquired Gallery Gold for $A 270 million, a 40% premium over the previous one-month weighted average share price.